How to use the Playground
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CodeChum has a place where you can run and test your code in a CodeChum coding environment. We call it our Playground!
The Playground is a free programming tool within CodeChum that allows you to freely code or practice anytime you want, and even export that code if you'd like!
To use our Playground, follow these steps:
Login to with your teacher account.
Click the Playground button on the bottommost part of the sidebar. This should open a screen similar to CodeChum's coding environment, but only with a big code editor in it.
If you wish to test and see how your code will look like when run, click on the Run Code button on the bottom right portion of the screen. It should open a terminal where your code is run.
If you wish to change programming languages, click on the dropdown on the top right of the code editor.
If you wish to add more files to your code, click the blue + button beside the main file on the top left of the code editor.
If you wish to download your code, click the grey download button beside the settings icon on the top right of the code editor.
And that's how you make use of our Playground in CodeChum!