How to reschedule/extend activities
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When the time it takes to finish the activity is longer than what is initially set as the deadline, teachers usually extend the deadline and make it an assignment or a take-home activity of some sort.
In CodeChum, you can also extend or reschedule your activity by moving the deadline to a much later date!
To reschedule/extend an activity in CodeChum, follow these steps:
Go to your class' Activities tab and click on any activity card you'd like to extend. This should show a big popup window displaying details of the activity.
Click on the kebab menu on the top right in line with the activity name. This will show all actions you can do to your activity. Click on the Reschedule/Set Retakers option. This will show a smaller popup window.
This time, click the Rechdule button to continue with the remaining steps of the process.
Now, select the new due date and time for your activity.
Once done, click the Extend activity button. This should show a popup window informing that you've successfully extended the activity!
And that's how to extend activities in CodeChum!