Sync grades to LMS
Last updated
Last updated
Your students are now in the class, and they have answered several activities from the built-in topics and also from the activities you manually created.
If you wish to automatically record those grades and have them reflect on your LMS for easier grades tracking and exporting, you can do so in CodeChum with just a click of a button! Here are the things you should do:
Go to the LMS-linked class you wish to be synced.
Under the Class Record tab, on the section showing a list of students in tabular format, you will see a green button labeled "Sync Grades". Click this button to sync your grades. This may take a while.
Once syncing is done, the Last Updated label beside the button shall now reflect the recent date and time.
Check your class in your respective LMS (Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard) for changes. The grades of your students from CodeChum shall now be reflected here, along with the course activities, and the activities you have manually created.