Monitor students
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Last updated
Once you have an activity ongoing, your students will now start to answer the activity. Normally, in a regular setup, you as a teacher would wait for your students to finish all items to be answered before they submit their activity to you and you will then grade it manually for a long amount of time.
In CodeChum, you do not have to go through such a hassle anymore. We check them for you automatically, and you can see how they're doing even while they're still answering!
Here's how.
To check how your students are doing in the activity you've created in CodeChum, here are the things you can do:
Go to your class' Activities tab and look for your currently ongoing activities that are under In Progress.
Click on the activity card that you wish to view. This will open a modal showing more information about the activity.
To view your students' ranks, overall scores, total time, potential cheating issues, and status, go to the Takers tab.
To view a specific students' solution, click on any of the student card in the Takers tab. This should show a popup window displaying the activity items, score for each item in the activity, as well as their total score and total time. To view their answer to that item, check for any likelihood of cheating and access the action logs, click a specific item under Activity Items.
To view the items you've used for this activity, go to Items tab.
To view the settings you've set for this activity, go to Settings tab.
And that's how you can monitor your students in an activity! Once done, it's time to export your students' grades for this activity.