How to use MySQL database answer environment
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Students interact with CodeChum's coding environment whenever they answer programming items in activities created by their teacher.
As a student, it would do you good if you get familiar with how CodeChum's MySQL database environment works and how to use it well so you can be ultra ready for your next CodeChum activity!
CodeChum's MySQL database environment looks like this and has the following parts in it:
Item Description - located on the leftmost side of the screen, which contains the item name and the description of the item.
Code Editor Tab - located at the center and intentionally set as the default tab, where your students type their solution code for the item.
Check Code - one of the buttons located at the bottom right portion of the code editor. When clicked, submits your students' code to the system and provides them with their score for the item.
Item Navigation - one of the cards located at the top right corner of the screen, which shows a list of all the items in the activity, providing your students with seamless navigation from one item to another.
Test Cases - one of the tabs located at the rightmost side of the screen, which shows a list of all test cases containing sample outputs that determine your students' score for the item. If their output matches the test cases, you will receive a point.
Bottom Navigation - located at the bottom of the screen, which allows your students to seamlessly navigate from one item to another.
Messenger Support - located at the bottom left corner of the screen, this allows your students to communicate with our Customer Support Team for assistance with any concerns they may have regarding our app.
To maximize the potential of our MySQL database environment, here are some tips to up your coding experience:
Read the item description carefully, and look out for sample outputs in the description. Those will be helpful to get a visual grasp of what the item is looking for.
Always check the description in the test cases so you can determine whether your code follows the required syntax. Before submitting, click the Check Code button multiple times. Also, compare the expected output and your actual output to ensure they are the same.
If you have the extra penny, purchase our Premium Plans to get the most out of CodeChum, especially the unlimited Check Tests clicks.